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Faculty Partners

VHA’s Complexity and Leadership Initiative has benefited greatly from a number of prominent complexity scientists and organizational theorists, many of whom have become ongoing collaborators and working partners. They have worked actively with the Leadership Learning Network members to help them understand the scientific underpinnings of complexity, key complexity principles and concepts and to jointly advance complexity-inspired approach to leadership and management. Among these faculty partners are:

  • Irving I. Dardik, MD, LifeWaves International
  • Kevin Dooley, PhD, Professor of Management and Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University
  • Glenda Eoyang, President, Chaos Limited
  • Ary Goldberger, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School & Clinical Director of the Electrocardiography and Arrhythmia Monitoring/Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratories, Beth Israel Hospital
  • Jeffrey Goldstein, PhD, Professor, School of Business, Adelphi University
  • John Holland, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, External Faculty and Science Board Member, Santa Fe Institute
  • Roger Lewin, PhD, Harvest Writers
  • Keith McCandless, Co-director, Leadership Center, Health Forum
  • Gareth Morgan, PhD, Distinguished Research Professor, York University
  • Harold Morowitz, PhD, Scientific Director, Krasnow Institute
  • Paul Plsek, Paul Plsek and Associates
  • Birute Regine, Ed.D, Harvest Writers
  • Ralph Stacey, PhD, Professor and Director, Complexity and Management Centre, University of Hertfordshire,
  • Brenda Zimmerman, PhD, Associate Professor, Schulich School of Business, York University