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Upcoming Events and Conferences

Early Bird Announcement!
Third Annual Complexity and Health Care Conference
Hold These Dates and Plan to Attend –
Thursday December 2nd & Friday December 3rd 1999
The conference will be held in Philadelphia this year. If you have people from your organization you wish to introduce to the topic of complexity a "crash course on complexity" will be held December 1st. A joint meeting of the VHA Complexity and Leadership Learning Networks will take place preceding the conference. So, mark your calendars now...and watch this space for additional details as the date approaches.

Upcoming VHA Complexity Leadership and Learning Events
Contact Curt Lindberg for more information (curt.lindberg@home.com)

The 1999 EdgeNew Meeting Dates

June 10-11, 1999
Philadelphia, PA
The session will begin at noon the first day and conclude at 3:00 PM on the second day.

September 16-17, 1999
Santa Fe, NM
The session will begin at noon the first day and conclude at 3:00 PM on the second day.

Other Important Dates

EdgeRed - VHA Complexity and Leadership Learning Network
September 16 - 18, 1999,
Santa Fe, NM

EdgeGold - VHA Complexity and Leadership Learning Network
September 23 -24, 1999
Santa Fe, NM


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