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9. Collaborative Learning

Issues and Opportunities… Complexity science, especially in biology and computer simulations, informs us about the natural evolution of large systems: for example, ecosystems and "colonies." There are discernable, large-scale patterns. Learning is collective and is passed on. How do groups and peer networks of health care professionals learn together? Can collaborative learning in healthcare be accelerated if we take complexity-informed approaches?

There Are Many Examples in Healthcare For Hindsight Reflection… We have not had much discussion on this topic beyond its introduction on the listserv. But improvement collaboratives are becoming very popular in healthcare. (Plsek has published two articles summarizing the literature on improvement collaboratives in healthcare.)

As with the neural nets topic, it could be that our contribution on this topic is to survey the literature and current experience with collaboratives, and then re-look at these through a complexity lens. Such a view might lead to insights into ways to make these collaboratives even more effective. Steve Larned has begun this reflection process with regards to the Northern New England Cardiovascular Study Group. .

Ultimate Goal of This Line of Thinking… To contribute to this emerging improvement technology from a complexity perspective.



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