Personal "EDGE" Experiences One of the issues raised above was helping leaders become aware and more comfortable with a different kind of control, where direction and creative new approaches emerge from a healthy system, instead of plans being imposed on the system by leaders. To explore this issue members of the group explored what if felt like to be operating at the edge, in the creative far-from-equilibrium space. A clear, consistent pattern was evident - paradoxical emotions. Here is what people said.
Helping others appreciate what it actually feels like to be in this territory and appreciate the fact that it is a good place to be if change and creativity are needed was view were viewed as essential in helping leaders let go of traditional means of control. Relating this concept to personal experiences of significant growth and change was viewed as an effective means of fostering understanding of this principle. Worth pursuing - What enables people to work at the edge? Is it past experience, support from others, knowing the theory…?
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