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What Works

Here the group did not explore so much as identify complexity concepts members of the group have used successfully in their organizations.

  • Critical Mass - working to find and engage others.
  • Metaphors & Images - the power of the complexity metaphors and images to convey key concepts. In this group and in some organizations they have become part of the daily language, have helped us see more fully, and given people more confidence in what they know.
  • Action & Reflection – when combined are especially powerful.
  • Stacey Matrix - really helped us and others make sense of complexity concepts in a manner respectful of traditional practices.
  • 15% - Gareth Morgan’s way of emphasizing that we can, through action, make a bigger difference than we know. This has helped many people move from learning/thinking to action
  • Simple Rules/Min Specs - giving people space to create.
  • Giving Up Traditional Control - when this struggle is confronted the system can really open up.
  • Authentic, Honest & Caring Relationships – in a human cas these are the kinds of behaviors and values which lead to creative, innovative cultures. '
  • The Paradox Of Acting Without Consensus And Being Aware Of Others- not being paralyzed by a need for consensus before action while being ever more aware of each other so as to act and learn together.
  • Tuning To The Edge – through the use of information flow, connectiveness, and diversity, using power carefully and managing anxiety.
  • Using Diversity Within The System – matching the degree of diversity in a group or organization to the issue, environment being explored gives you adaptability.

Worth pursuing - Keep on working on "What Works".

Worth pursuing - Strategies for building critical mass. What have we learned so far about building critical mass?



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