From The Fabric:
Working Inside And Outside
(1996-97) Linda Rusch, Hunterdon
Medical Center Flemington, NJ
What We Could Be Doing Together
(1996-97) James Dwyer, Memorial Hospital of Burlington
County, Mt. Holly, NJ
Managing A Living Thing
(1996-97) Richard Weinberg, Atlantic Health System,
Parsippany, NJ
Another Way to Think
(1996-97) Debbie Zastocki, Chilton Memorial Hospital,
Pompton Plains, NJ
Inter-Departmental Communication in a Large Hospital: The Challenges of South American Diplomacy
(1997) Paul Plsek, Paul E. Plsek & Associates
Tune to edge
Bringing mental models to the surface as a
technique for raising organizational under-standing and progress on hospital wide improvement initiatives |
The Power of Information: What Happens When a Vacuum Fills?
(1997) Paul Plsek, Paul E. Plsek & Associates
Worldwide Complexity: Strategic Planning For a Non-Profit Healthcare Organization
(1997) Paul Plsek, Paul E. Plsek & Associates
A Complex Way Of Connecting With Communities:
Creating Hope Through Connections And Action
(1996-97) Linda Rusch & Debbie Zastocki
"Learn As You Go" Strategic Management:
Forget About The Overarching Plan In Highly Uncertain Times
(1996-97) James Taylor, University of Louisville Hospital,
Louisville, KY
Make It Happen Or Let It Happen:
A Case Study Of Strategy At Federal Metals, Inc.
(1989) Brenda Zimmerman, York University, North York,
Ontario, Canada
A Complexity Tool Box
(1997-98) James Roberts, M.D., Senior Vice President, VHA
Inc., Dallas, TX
Justifying A Revolution
(1997-98) Memorial Hospital of South Bend, Indiana
Cascades Of Connection:
The Case Of Charity Care
(1997-98) Janet Bierdon, Director of Admissions,
Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center
Unleashing People Potential:
When Trouble Makers Become Superstars
(1997-98) Mary Anne Keyes, Vice President of Patient Care,
Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center
and CEOs: The Oz Factor
(1997-98) John Kopicki, CEO, Muhlenberg Regional Medical
Into Uncertainty

David Hutchens, A story from HealthEast,
Greenville, N.C.
Merging, De-merging, and Emerging
At the Deaconess Billings Clinic
(1993 - 98) A story from Deaconess Billings Clinic, Billings,
a Stroke Center Chunk By Chunk 
(2000) Marilyn
Rymer, M.D., Saint Lukes Hospital, Kansas City, MO